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Renovation Ausstellungshalle EN

Conversion of building at location 27 and renovation of hall 181

The Abendrot Foundation, owner of our exhibition hall 181, is planning a comprehensive reconstruction of the building in which our hall is located for the year 2024. Both will also be renovated in terms of energy and technology (including roof insulation and fire protection measures). The Steam Center will continue to be welcome as an anchor tenant after the renovation. But during the works there will be considerable operational restrictions for the Steam Center. For example, in 2024 the hall will have very limited access for staff and visitors for safety reasons. In addition, our machines will have to be relocated and protected. What will the conversion and renovation work mean for you as a visitor?

  • In 2024, regular museum operations will not be possible in the hall, i.e. no regular guided tours or visits can be booked.
  • However, it is possible to use part of the hall for smaller events. Please contact us via our website (www.dampfzentrum).
  • We will also be holding smaller events sporadically during this period, to which you are cordially invited. We will announce these events in due course.

We very much regret that we will not be able to show you the full extent of our witnesses of the industrial revolution during the reconstruction. But we are confident and look forward to welcoming you in a modern, lively museum with significantly more comfort from September 2025 onwards, once the renovation work has been completed and our "Steamotion" project (modernisation of the exhibition) has been realised. Stay loyal to us and continue to support us!


Dampfzentrum Winterthur
Lagerplatz 27, 8400 Winterthur
IBAN CH26 0070 0110 0038 4949 1
E-Mail: info@dampfzentrum.ch
Phone: +41 32 511 74 08

Opening hours

The steam center opens its doors 
each 2nd Saturnday a month
from 13:00 to 16:00
you can find the exact dates here

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