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Public Days


Our exhibition hall is being renovated in terms of energy and technology and therefore you will not be able to visit us, or only to a limited extent, from 1st November 2023 until the end of August 2025. - Part of the hall can be used for smaller events. Please contact our event manager on +41 32 511 74 08. - We will also be holding sporadic smaller events during this period, to which you are cordially invited. We will announce these events on our website as soon as possible.

You can find more information here

once a month our collection is accessible for all, without any registration.

Always open on the 2nd Saturday of the month: 09:45 - 13:00

You can find the next dates here Public Days Agenda

On these days, you have the opportunity to join our special guided tours (included in the entrance fee). The guided tours take place at 10.00 and 11.30.

For our members, admission is free on these days.

Take advantage and become a member. Registration Donator  Registration Member

Erlebnis Oeffentlich

Entrance fee

Adult CHF 15.-
Children 7 - 16 CHF 7.-
Children less then 7   Free
Members /Donator   Free
Sponsors Silver and Gold   Free


Dampfzentrum Winterthur
Lagerplatz 27, 8400 Winterthur
IBAN CH26 0070 0110 0038 4949 1
E-Mail: kontakt@dampfzentrum.ch
Phone: +41 32 511 74 08

Opening hours

The steam center opens its doors 
each 2nd Saturnday a month
from 13:00 to 16:00
you can find the exact dates here

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